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PR Consultancy

PR Consultancy

Do you:

Send out releases and never hear anything back?

Send out releases which only make a few lines at the back of the paper?

Notice releases are never making the paper?

Find journalists are unwilling to discuss the story with your representatives?



PR companies, do you wonder why your releases are not making the news? 

Do you want to maximise your chances of your client getting coverage?

I have a vast experience of reading and selecting press releases for publication and have spent many years deciding which ones make the grade and which ones don’t.

I know the difference between a release headed straight for the ‘delete’ box and one which will end up on a journalist's news list.

It’s amazing how many times I have looked at releases and thought that with just a few tweaks here and there they could easily have made the paper.

And had they been up to scratch but didn’t quite make the paper, I could have given them coverage on the website with a bit of a re-write.

I offer a bespoke service to get you and your staff up to scratch on everything you need to sell your client’s story.

Form preparing releases which get noticed each time to how to deal with journalists to get your story used.

I offer workshops and bespoke in-house training at competitive prices.

Please contact me here